Phasmophobia Evidence Overlay

Phas Overlay

This awesome overlay helps you keep track of important things in the ghost hunting game Phasmophobia! Once all three evidences have been entered, it will automatically give you the ghost type as well! Completely controlled via chat commands listed below:


  • !ghost - Sets the name of the ghost (Ex. !ghost John Smith)
  • !ev1 - Sets the first evidence using shorthand commands (listed below)
  • !ev2 - Sets the second evidence using shorthand commands (listed below)
  • !ev3 - Sets the third evidence using shorthand commands (listed below)
  • !reset - Resets the overlay to blank values

Evidence Shorthand

This is to make the text commands easier to use for the streamer/moderator entering them.

D.O.T.S Projector | dots
EMF 5 | emf
Fingerprints | fp
Freezing Temps | ft
Ghost Orbs | go
Ghost Writing | gw
Spirit Box | sb


For example, if you wanted to set the ghost name as "John Doe" you would do:
!ghost John Doe
If you wanted to set the first evidence as Ghost Orbs, you would do:
!ev1 go
To set the next evidences you just follow the same format.
!ev2 sb
!ev3 gw
if you need to reset the overlay just do:
and it will clear all values


You can customize almost every aspect of the overlay from the background color to the separator style using the PixelChat Overlay Customizer.

Designed and created by - LuckoftheLefty 🍀

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